EUTM file information


Dobre Plony

October 5, 2023

Trademark Summary

The trademark application Dobre Plony was filed by ALDI Einkauf SE & Co. oHG, a corporation established under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (the "Applicant"). Appeal pending.

The application was filed in German (English was selected as the second language).

The Refusal with reference B 018934212 was partially rejected according to Article 7(1)(b) EUTMR with decision issued on May 16, 2024 by the EUIPO. The Appeal with reference B R1193/2024-2 was Other according to Article 94(1) EUTMR with decision issued on November 10, 2024 by the EUIPO.

Goods And Services

  • The mark was filed in class 29 with following description of goods:
    1. Fleisch, Fisch, Geflügel und Wild
    2. Fleischextrakte
    3. Konserviertes, tiefgekühltes, getrocknetes und gekochtes Obst und Gemüse
    4. Gallerten [Gelees], Konfitüren, Kompotte
    5. Eier
    6. Milch, Käse, Butter, Joghurt und andere Milchprodukte
    7. Speiseöle und -fette.
  • The mark was filed in class 30 with following description of goods:
    1. Kaffee, Tee, Kakao und Ersatzmittel hierfür
    2. Reis, Teigwaren und Nudeln
    3. Tapioka und Sago
    4. Mehle und Getreidepräparate
    5. Brot, feine Backwaren und Konditorwaren
    6. Schokolade
    7. Eiscreme, Sorbets und andere Arten von Speiseeis
    8. Zucker, Honig, Melassesirup
    9. Hefe, Backpulver
    10. Salz, Würzmittel, Gewürze, konservierte Kräuter
    11. Essig, Soßen und andere Würzen
    12. Eis [gefrorenes Wasser].