The trademark KarmaBook was filed by Roman Romanoff Borysovych, a national of Ukraine (the "Applicant"). The application was published for oppositions on November 28, 2023, and received one opposition filed on February 26, 2024 by Meta Platforms, Inc. on (a) Likelihood of confusion, (b) Unfair advantage and detriment to distinctiveness or repute. the opponent was represented by Stobbs Ireland Limited and proceedings were handled in English, and the oppositon was dismissed by the Euorpean Union Intellectual Property Office with decision issued February 26, 2024
The application was filed in English, and English was also language of all opposition proceedings (German was selected as the second language).
Goods And Services
The mark was filed in class 9 with Software applications for educational, spiritual and practical learning to encourage individuals to undertake self- improvement, self-fulfillment, lifestyle improvement, attain spiritual consciousness and participate in humanitarian activities with a spiritual focus and Software applications providing online rewards or incentive based programs, including games, designed to encourage individuals to undertake self-improvement, self-fulfillment, lifestyle improvement, attain spiritual consciousness and participate in humanitarian activities with a spiritual focus..
The mark was filed in class 41 with Providing online rewards or incentive based educational programs, including games, designed to encourage individuals to undertake self-improvement, self-fulfillment, lifestyle improvement, attain spiritual consciousness and participate in humanitarian activities with a spiritual focus.
The mark was filed in class 45 with following description of goods:
Provision of information relating to spiritual guidance
Spiritual or religious counselling
Spiritual recovery services
Wellbeing services being spiritual guidance and personal mentoring
Wellness services being spiritual guidance and personal mentoring
Zodiac consulting
Astrological services
Astrological consultancy
Astrological consultations
Consultation relating to horoscopes
Online spiritual counselling which provides online rewards or incentive based programs (including games) designed to encourage individuals to undertake self-improvement, self-fulfilment, lifestyle improvement, attain spiritual consciousness and participate in humanitarian activities with a spiritual focus.