The trademark CAPYTAL.COM was filed by Newco Capital Group LLC, a Limited Liability Company (the "Applicant"). The application was published for oppositions on November 8, 2023, and received undefined oppositions.
There are undefined Oppositions claimed against trademark.
The first opposition filed on February 6, 2024 by Capita plc on (a) Likelihood of confusion, (b) Unfair advantage and detriment to distinctiveness or repute. the opponent was represented by MASON HAYES & CURRAN LLP and its proceedings were handled in English The second opposition filed on December 7, 2023 by Capital Com SV Investments Limited on Likelihood of confusion. the opponent was represented by KUHNEN & WACKER PATENT- UND RECHTSANWALTSBĂRO PARTG MBB and its proceedings were handled in English
The application was filed in English, and English was also language of all opposition proceedings (German was selected as the second language).