EUTM file information



August 1, 2023

Trademark Summary

The trademark application MILOS was filed by MBDA Deutschland GmbH, a corporation established under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (the "Applicant"). The application was published for oppositions on September 13, 2023, and it was registered by office on December 21, 2023 without any oppositions.

The application was filed in English (German was selected as the second language).

Goods And Services

  • The mark was filed in class 12 with Military vehicles equipped with mobile and modular weapon systems, including laser weapons and Armored vehicles equipped with mobile and modular weapon systems, including laser weapons..
  • The mark was filed in class 13 with following description of goods:
    1. Weapons
    2. Weapon systems
    3. Mobile weapon systems, including laser weapons
    4. Modular weapon systems, including laser weapons.
  • The mark was filed in class 42 with Computer engineering in the military field and Industrial and technical research in the field of weapon systems and military laser devices..