The trademark application MobilityHub was filed by EXOTRAIL, a corporation established under the laws of the French Republic (the "Applicant"). Application withdrawn.
The application was filed in French (English was selected as the second language).
The application claimed as seniority of the French Republic trademark 4863781 registered on September 1, 2022 and filed on April 24, 2022 which was accepted by the office.
Goods And Services
The mark was filed in class 39 with following description of goods:
Transport aérien
Transport de satellites
Transports dans le domaine spatial
Organisation de transport
Services de logistique en matière de transport
Diffusion de données liées aux méthodes de transport
Services de livraison
Location de moyens de transport
Lancement de véhicules spatiaux
Lancement de satellites
Lancement de satellites pour des tiers
Lancement et placement de satellites de tiers sur une orbite prédéterminée
Tous ces services étant limités au domaine spatial.