The trademark application METAVERSE DRINK was filed by Oshee Polska Sp. z o.o., a corporation established under the laws of the Republic of Poland (the "Applicant"). Application refused.
The application was filed in Polish (English was selected as the second language).
The Appeal with reference B R2356/2022-2 was Application rejected according to Article 7(1)(b) EUTMR with decision issued on February 27, 2023 by the EUIPO. The Refusal with reference B 018652703 was Rejected according to Article 7(1)(b) EUTMR with decision issued on October 2, 2022 by the EUIPO.
Goods And Services
The mark was filed in class 32 with following description of goods:
Napoje bezalkoholowe
Napoje zawierające witaminy
Napoje izotoniczne
Napoje izotoniczne w proszku
Napoje energetyzujące
Bezalkoholowe napoje niskokaloryczne
Napoje dla sportowców
Napoje wzbogacone substancjami odżywczymi
Wody mineralne i gazowane
Wody stołowe
Wody o smaku owocowym
Napoje owocowe z koncentratu lub syropu, z dodatkiem wody i cukru