The trademark Bonita was filed by EMIL ZOR, a national of Romania (the "Applicant") and GHEORGHE CORNEL FURNEA, a national of Romania (the "Co-Applicant", and jointly with the "Applicant" referred to as the "Applicants" going forward). The application was published for oppositions on February 13, 2022, and received one opposition filed on May 15, 2022 by FRUIT SHIPPERS LIMITED on (a) Identity of marks and Goods and Services, (b) Likelihood of confusion. the opponent was represented by HERRERO & ASOCIADOS and proceedings were handled in English, and the oppositon was dismissed by the Euorpean Union Intellectual Property Office with decision issued May 15, 2022
The application was filed in Romanian, and Romanian was also language of all opposition proceedings (English was selected as the second language).
The Opposition with reference B 003171248 was refused according to Article 8(1)(a) EUTMR with decision issued on October 19, 2023 by the EUIPO.