EUTM file information


ECD European Catering Distributors

July 26, 2021

Trademark Summary

The trademark application ECD European Catering Distributors was filed by ECD European Catering Distributors GmbH Europäische Einkaufs- und Vertriebsgesellschaft, a corporation established under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (the "Applicant"). Application refused.

It was designated 'Basic Application' for International Application 1618169 at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

The application was filed in German (English was selected as the second language).

The Refusal with reference B 018521872 was Rejected according to Article 7(1)(b) EUTMR with decision issued on March 30, 2022 by the EUIPO.

Goods And Services

  • The mark was filed in class 29 with following description of goods:
    1. Tiefgefrorenes Fleisch
    2. Fisch
    3. Obst
    4. Gemüse
    5. Geflügel
    6. Fleisch-, Fisch-, Gemüse-, Pilz- und Obstkonserven, auch sauer konserviert
    7. Konservierte Fleisch-, Fisch-, Frucht- und Gemüsefeinkostsalate
    8. Tomatenmark
    9. Konfitüren
    10. Getrocknete Hülsenfrüchte für Speisezwecke
    11. Milchkonserven
    12. Kondensmilch
    13. Sojaspeiseöle
    14. Margarine
    15. Frittierfett
    16. Pommes frites
    17. Speisegelatine.
  • The mark was filed in class 30 with following description of goods:
    1. Kaffee
    2. Kaffee-Ersatzmittel
    3. Tee
    4. Kakao
    5. Zucker
    6. Honig
    7. Reis
    8. Sago
    9. Mehl
    10. Grieß
    11. Haferflocken
    12. Maiskernpuder für Nahrungszwecke
    13. Paniermehl
    14. Teigwaren
    15. Torten
    16. Zwieback
    17. Puddingpulver
    18. Gewürze
    19. Essig
    20. Senf.
  • The mark was filed in class 35 with Werbung and Geschäftsführung..