The trademark WHISKER was filed by Automated Pet Care Products, LLC, a Limited Liability Company (the "Applicant"). The application was published for oppositions on October 13, 2021, and received one opposition filed on December 12, 2021 by Mars, Incorporated on (a) Likelihood of confusion, (b) Unfair advantage and detriment to distinctiveness or repute. the opponent was represented by Hogan Lovells (Alicante) S.L. & Cia. and proceedings were handled in English, and the oppositon was dismissed by the Euorpean Union Intellectual Property Office with decision issued December 12, 2021
The application was filed in English, and English was also language of all opposition proceedings (German was selected as the second language).
Appointment and Replacement of representative of the trademark registration was recorded on March 21, 2022. Change of name and professional address of the trademark registration was recorded on January 26, 2023.