The trademark application MILOS was filed by Area Four Industries Česko s.r.o, a corporation established under the laws of the Czech Republic (the "Applicant"). The application was published for oppositions on June 26, 2011, and it was registered by office on October 3, 2011 without any oppositions.
The application was filed in English (French was selected as the second language).
The renewal of the trademark was recorded by the office on April 25, 2021.
Change of name and professional address of the trademark registration was recorded on January 12, 2012. Change of name and professional address of the trademark registration was recorded on June 5, 2014. Declaration under Art.28(8) EUTMR of the trademark registration was recorded on November 23, 2017. Change of name and professional address of the trademark registration was recorded on September 8, 2020. Change of name and professional address of the trademark registration was recorded on September 9, 2020. Deletion of the representative of the trademark registration was recorded on January 18, 2021. Appointment and Replacement of representative of the trademark registration was recorded on January 25, 2021. Change of name and address of the trademark registration was recorded on April 19, 2021.